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The Financial Kaizen Started in OLSEN- The Dished Ends Manufactuer

Views: 18     Author: Olsen News     Publish Time: 2019-09-09      Origin: olsenth.com

In this golden autumn, Olsen started its financial kaizen. The project is targeting the whole employees. We aim to share profits with our employees while they work pretty hard. Also, it is a good opportunity for us to distingiush the employees who share the same value with us

The finance is the basement of a company. In this project, we plan to make our financial reports open to every employees as a modern company. The employees could learn the current situation of our company, and how we plan to grow our company.

One of the Olsen's core culture is to create values for our employees. We would like our employees to treat our company as a family. In this family, employees can learn stuff, communicate with smart and skilled workers, and grow along with us. To realize the life values, to build a company with good environment, to grow strong. 

finance reform

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